Gallery 9

Skye Gallery : Spencer Hansen, Tethered Worlds

April 4 - May 26

April 4- May 26

Skye Gallery is delighted to announce its fifth show with Spencer Hansen – their first collaboration since Owner and Curator Skye Weinglass opened the gallery’s New York home. The show will feature a series of Hansen's captivating sculptures, inviting viewers into a realm of eccentric details and otherworldly landscapes.

Known for his meticulous craftsmanship and adept understanding of juxtaposed elements, Spencer Hansen's artistic oeuvre serves as a reflection on the transient nature of our modern society. Harnessing the inherent beauty of natural materials like metal, leather, wood, ceramic, bone, and hair, Hansen masterfully crafts ethereal sculptures that speak to narratives he created from childhood – narratives about a world where he belonged, inhabited by creatures. Each piece challenges observers to navigate the balance between darkness and light, allure and dread, and the comfort of the known set against the enigmatic.

Drawing inspiration from timeless archetypal storytelling, Hansen's creations beckon viewers to embark on a journey of introspection, exploring themes of metamorphosis and fragility. "As a gallerist dedicated to promoting genuine and thought-provoking artwork, Spencer serves as a constant source of innovation and inspiration,” Weinglass says of Hansen’s upcoming show. “Each of his creatures feels like a journey into an imaginative world. When you step foot into the gallery, it will feel like you’re entering another plaet. Skye Gallery is honored to host his fifth solo exhibition this Spring.” Suffused with intricate details, imaginative landscapes, and peculiar beings, Tethered Worlds promises an unparalleled and immersive encounter that creates space for viewers to interpret their own experiences with vulnerability, community, and play.

About Spencer Hansen

The interplay between exploration and heritage lies at the heart of Spencer Hansen's artistic journey. His childhood in rural Idaho cultivated an intricate relationship with familial tradition, while his nomadic nature exposed him to diverse landscapes. Spencer has been living and working part time in Bali since 2007, where he co-created his main workshop and studio. Within his studio space, Spencer collaborates with Indonesian artisans to experiment with and refine processes, spanning from woodcarving to ceramics, metalworking to design. His reverence for a handmade approach and his own interest in exploring new processes creates an ever-evolving connection between his team and his creations. His interest in sharing an experience through technical resonance plays a crucial role in his choice of medium, which consists mostly of natural materials. His intentional approach throughout his practice culminates in multimedia sculptures that evoke an otherworldly tenderness within viewers, embodying personas that encompass elements of his playful imagination.

About the Gallery

Founded in 2016 by Skye Weinglass—an Aspen, Colorado native and artist—the gallery represents a diverse collective of artists ranging from emerging to established, local to global.

Female forward and artist-centered, Skye Gallery offers a unique experience with a personalized touch. Our mission is to promote underground talent while also supporting the larger community through a wide array of artistic expressions and offerings.